Pohjoismaisen Kätilöliiton kannanotto 2018

Kotisivu-uudistuksen myötä Pohjoismaisen Kätilöliiton kannanotto 2018 kätilöiden tärkeästä roolista äitien ja lasten hyvinvoinnin edistämisessä oli kadonnut. Nyt se uudelleen nostettuna Kätilöliiton sivuille.

Pohjoismaista kätilötyötä arvostetaan maailmanlaajuisesti ja Pohjoismainen Kätilöliitto peräänkuuluttaa päättäjien roolia kätilötyön kansallisen roolin vahvistamisessa. Kannanotto ladattavissa myös PDF-muodossa uutisen lopusta.

The world community looks to Midwives in the Nordic countries to innovate, show best practice and put women and babies at the center of care.

We call on each of the Nordic governments to deliver on the following initiatives to strengthen midwifery, enabling midwives to provide quality care for women and their families within sexual and reproductive services.

  1. Every woman should have access to a midwife throughout her life cycle, including:
    • Sexual counselling
    • Pre-pregnancy
    • Throughout pregnancy
    • During labor and birth
    • After birth according to her needs
    • Women’s health counselling Access should be provided regardless of citizenship/residency status.
  2. Midwifery care should promote normal labor and birth, based on evidence (quantitative and qualitative studies as well as best practice) and women’s individual choices and needs.
  3. Every pregnant woman should have access to continuity of midwifery care and carer. This is a key strategy in a) promoting better maternity outcomes and b) addressing workforce issues.
  4. Midwifery education and regulation should be based on a Direct Entry 5-year master’s program. Strengthening Nordic midwifery education will enable midwives to fulfill the potential of midwifery in the Nordic countries and internationally.
  5. A funding model for individualized maternity care should be used. The current funding model promotes medicalized, and/or centralized maternity care including birth care which adversely impact the health and wellbeing of mothers and babies.


Kannanotto: NJF statement 2018