Numero 4/2021

Teemana Kätilön ääni

Juttujen lähteet

Anna Maijala ja Tiina Murto: Akupunktio kivunlievittäjänä synnytyksen käynnistyksessä

Gissler, M. & Kiuru, S. 2019. Perinataalitilasto: synnyttäjät, synnytykset ja vastasyntyneet. Terveyden- ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. SVTTilastoraportti : 49/2019.

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Päivi Polo: Vaihdevuosien unihäiriöt ja niiden hoito

Avis NE, Crawford SL, Greendale G, ym. Duration of menopausal vasomotor symptoms over the menopause transition. JAMA Intern Med 2015;175:531–9.

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Lampio L, Polo-Kantola P, Polo O, ym. Sleep in midlife women: effects of menopause, vasomotor symptoms, and depressive symptoms. Menopause 2014;21:1217–24.

Kravitz HM, Zhao X, Bromberger JT, ym. Sleep disturbance during the menopausal transition in a multi-ethnic community sample of women. Sleep 2008;31:979–90.

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Kalleinen N, Polo-Kantola P, Himanen SL, ym. Sleep and the menopause – do postmenopausal women experience worse sleep than premenopausal women? Menopause Int 2008;14:97–104.

Lampio L, Polo-Kantola P, Himanen SL, ym. Sleep during menopausal transition: a six-year follow-up. Sleep 2017;40(7) doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsx090.

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Saaresranta T, Polo-Kantola P, Polo O. Practical approach to the diagnosis and management of menopausal insomnia Kirjassa: Attarian HP, Viola-Saltzman, toim. Sleep disorders in women: a guide to practical management. Alankomaat: Humana press/Springer 2013, s. 293–324.

Lampio L, Saaresranta T, Polo O, ym. Subjective sleep in premenopausal and postmenopausal women during workdays and leisure days: a sleep diary study. Menopause 2013;20:655–60.

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Kalleinen N, Polo O, Himanen SL, ym. The effect of estrogen plus progestin treatment on sleep: a randomized, placebocontrolled, double- blind trial in premenopausal and late postmenopausal women. Climacteric 2008;11:233–43.